Face masks
While we continue to observe standard operating procedures during this pandemic, why not use this opportunity offered by our current circumstances to witness to our faith? These face masks are handmade, three ply, antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and good for an unlimited number of washings because of the quality of its fabric. One size only that fits all adults.
The GUARDIAN ANGEL face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) The Catechism of the Catholic Church proclaims that "from infancy to death human life is surrounded by their [angels'] watchful care and intercession. Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life. Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God" (CCC, n. 336). |
The SACRED HEART 2.0 face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) The Sacred Heart's burning love is directed toward humanity, and the physical suffering portrayed in His image is for the sake of mankind: the lance wound in the heart, the crown of thorns, the drops of blood. Throughout His physical suffering, Christ remained committed to the Father's mission for Him. This draws our focus to the intense human suffering endured by our Lord on our behalf. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is profoundly Eucharistic. It finds its summit at Mass where we lift up our hearts to the Lord. We unite our hearts with the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the offering of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. At Mass, we are nourished at the Paschal banquet of our Redeemer’s Body and Blood. The Eucharist has been called “the outstanding gift of the Heart of Jesus”, the Heart that gives life to the Church and to all of us, her members. |
The HOLY SPIRIT 2.0 face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) The Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit, is depicted by the image of a dove (cf. Matthew 3:16). The Holy Spirit is the love shared between the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit gives life to the Church and dwells within each believer through Baptism and Confirmation. The Holy Spirit prompts us to believe and follow Jesus so that through Jesus, we might be led to God our Father and fully enter into the love shared among the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. |
The PRAYING HANDS face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) The joining of hands is a gesture that represents loyalty to God, pointing our prayers to heaven and being reminded of the cross of Christ. While Christians are not bound to pray with hands folded, it is a meaningful option, with ancient roots and profound symbolism. |
The THEOTOKOS 2.0 face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) From antiquity, Mary has been called "Theotokos", or "God-Bearer" (Mother of God). The word in Greek is "Theotokos". The term was used as part of the popular piety of the early first millennium church. It is used throughout the Eastern Church's Liturgy, both Orthodox and Catholic. |
The JERUSALEM CROSS face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) The Jerusalem cross is believed to represent several things. Historians note that the four crosses surrounding the large center cross represent the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The four crosses also are believed to represent the four corners of the earth, in which Jesus desired His word to be proclaimed by His disciples. The large cross symbolises Christ. Other historians believe that the five crosses together symbolise the five wounds Jesus suffered on the cross. The four small crosses represent the four wounds of Jesus’ hands and feet, while the large cross signifies Jesus’ pierced heart. |
The CELTIC CROSS 3.0 face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) The Celtic Cross originated during the early Middle Ages. It is said that St Patrick (or St Declan) introduced the Celtic Cross in an attempt to convert pagan kings to Christianity. The circle is symbolic of eternity. This emphasises the eternal everlasting love of God demonstrated through Jesus' sacrifice for our sins on the cross. Another meaning of the circle is the eternal hope of salvation found in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. |
The HOLY TRINITY 2.0 face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) This icon invites us to contemplate the Incarnation in the context of the Holy Trinity. It depicts the story where Abraham receives three visitors as he camps by the oak of Mamre. Reading the icon from left to right, we see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We know this from the different clothing of each person of the Trinity. On the left, the Father seems to wear all the colours in a kind of fabric that changes with the light, that seems transparent, that cannot be described or confined in words. In the middle, the Son has the deepest colours; a thick heavy garment of the reddish-brown of earth and a cloak of the blue of heaven. In His person He unites heaven and earth, the two natures are present in Him, and over His right shoulder (the Government shall be upon His shoulder) there is a band of gold shot through the earthly garment, as His divinity suffuses and transfigures His earthly being. On the right, the Holy Spirit has a garment of the clear blue of the sky, wrapped over with a robe of a fragile green. So the Spirit of creation moves in sky and water, breathes in heaven and earth. All living things owe their freshness to His touch. The table represents the altar where the sacrifice of Christ takes place. |
The PANTOKRATOR 2.0 face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) "Pantokrator" is the Greek translation of the Hebrew title El Shaddai, meaning "all powerful” or "Ruler of all". This icon is also called Christ the Teacher as Jesus is holding a book. The hand gesture is exaggerated because Jesus is making the symbol of four letters with the right hand: I, C, and X. These letters spell out Christ's monogram. Specifically, "Jesus Christ" spelled in Greek which is: IHCOYC XPICTOC. The monogram is formed by taking the first and last letters of each name, which is also a symbol of Jesus being Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last |
The AGNUS DEI 2.0 face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) Jesus is called the lamb of God (Agnus Dei) because he is the perfect sacrifice offered to God. Jesus' death on the cross was a passover from death to life for Himself and for all of us. By His blood we are saved from death. Jesus made it possible for us to break out of the slavery of sin and death. He gave us the hope of reaching our promised land, Heaven. The Gospel of John clearly compares Jesus to the Passover lamb by saying that Jesus was crucified the same day that the Passover lambs were being killed in the Temple (John 19:31) |
The BAPTISM face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(NEW DESIGN!) The Baptism of the Lord icon depicts the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan, at which point the worship of the Trinity was made manifest and God revealed himself for the first time in the person of Jesus. His baptism reminds us of our own baptism and incorporation into His Body. We look forward to once again renewing our baptismal promises at the Mass of the Resurrection of Our Lord! |
The MONSTRANCE face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(SOLD OUT) The monstrance is a liturgical vessel used to display the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the form of the Sacred Host for its adoration and veneration outside of Mass and outside of the tabernacle. It is used during perpetual and public Eucharistic adoration and during Eucharistic processions such as on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Made of gold or silver, the monstrance, typically has a sunburst shape attached to a long stem, knobbed for support, placed on a sturdy base with a clear centre through which the Sacred Host is visible. The vessel is often bejeweled with special ornamentation in recognition of the divine mystery it holds and reveals. The Sacred Host is protected within a cylindrical vessel called a luna that is placed and secured in the center of the monstrance by the priest, so that it is visible from either side. |
The SACRED HEART face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(SOLD OUT) The Sacred Heart's burning love is directed toward humanity, and the physical suffering portrayed in His image is for the sake of mankind: the lance wound in the heart, the crown of thorns, the drops of blood. Throughout His physical suffering, Christ remained committed to the Father's mission for Him. This draws our focus to the intense human suffering endured by our Lord on our behalf. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is profoundly Eucharistic. It finds its summit at Mass where we lift up our hearts to the Lord. We unite our hearts with the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the offering of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. At Mass, we are nourished at the Paschal banquet of our Redeemer’s Body and Blood. The Eucharist has been called “the outstanding gift of the Heart of Jesus”, the Heart that gives life to the Church and to all of us, her members. |
The DIVINE MERCY 2.0 face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!) The Resurrection of Jesus was the most important event in the history of the world. When the Lord appeared in the 'Upper Room' to the apostles pointing out His wounds, it was to demonstrate He was the Crucified Christ, and to show He had resurrected from the dead. The final proof that He was God. He then bestowed on the apostles the power to forgive sins, which was in effect Divine Mercy coming into the world. Divine Mercy is God's love reaching down to meet the needs and overcome the miseries of His creatures. |
The EUCHARIST 2.0 face mask (MYR16 // SGD7)
(SOLD OUT) The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic life. Although many Catholics worldwide have had to deprive themselves of this Great Sacrament during the pandemic, we look forward to the day when we may once again receive this Sacrament regularly. It is, for us, a sign of hope. |
St Michael was a great leader of the angels in the war against Satan and his followers. His name, meaning “Who is like to God?”, served as the war-cry of the good angels as they plunged into battle to “fight the dragon”. The image of Michael defeating Satan is one of the most popular depictions of the archangel prince. He’s often shown with a spear, sword, armour, banner, and/or scales. Michael was known especially for his strength and courage, and many applaud him for his chivalry and determination to boldly fight for justice. |
The ROSARY face mask (SOLD OUT)
The word rosary comes from Latin and means a garland of roses, the rose being one of the flowers used to symbolise the Virgin Mary. The rosary is a devotion in honour of the Virgin Mary. The purpose of the Rosary is to help keep in memory certain principal events in the history of our salvation. There are twenty mysteries reflected upon in the Rosary, and these are divided into the five Joyful Mysteries (said on Monday and Saturday), the five Luminous Mysteries (said on Thursday), the five Sorrowful Mysteries (said on Tuesday and Friday), and the five Glorious Mysteries (said on Wednesday and Sunday). |
The CELTIC CROSS 2.0 face mask (SOLD OUT)
The Celtic Cross originated during the early Middle Ages. It is said that St Patrick (or St Declan) introduced the Celtic Cross in an attempt to convert pagan kings to Christianity. This cross symbolises eternity and emphasises the eternal everlasting love of God demonstrated through Jesus' sacrifice for our sins on the cross. It also symbolises the eternal hope of salvation found in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. |
The VIRGIN MARY face mask (SOLD OUT)
The Blessed Virgin Mary, although being a lowly maiden, is highly venerated by Christians since the days of the Apostles. Being the Mother of God, she accompanied her Son from His conception in her womb until He made His journey to the cross. She is also Mother of the Church, and she accompanies us in our journey towards heaven where she intercedes for us. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death! |
The JOY Christmas face mask (SOLD OUT)
This face mask is designed with the intention of reminding us that there is hope and joy in the world as our saviour came down from heaven to take on human flesh. The gifts presented by the three magi represent Christ's kingship (gold), His priesthood (frankincense), and His Passion (myrrh). |
The BELIEVE Christmas face mask (SOLD OUT)
We have designed this face mask with the silhouette of the nativity scene, a reminder of the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. The word "Believe" beneath the nativity silhouette invites people to believe and place their hopes in the birth of our Lord. Even amidst a pandemic, we can find creative ways to witness to the Gospel! |
The image of God as shepherd is central to the Bible, found in Ezekiel as a rebuke against leaders who did not care for the flock, as comfort and protection in Psalm 23, and as the rich symbol of Jesus’ role as humble servant leader who lays down his life to save us. The Greek word kalos, translated “good,” describes that which is noble, wholesome, good, and beautiful, in contrast to that which is wicked, mean, foul, and unlovely. It signifies not only that which is good inwardly—character—but also that which is attractive outwardly. It is an innate goodness. Therefore, in using the phrase “the good shepherd,” Jesus is referencing His inherent goodness, His righteousness, and His beauty. As shepherd of the sheep, He is the one who protects, guides, and nurtures His flock. |
The GUADALUPE face mask (SOLD OUT)
Our Lady of Guadalupe, also called the Virgin of Guadalupe, appeared before St Juan Diego in a vision in 1531. She identified herself as the ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the True God for whom we live, of the Creator of all things, Lord of heaven and the earth. She made a request for a church to be built on the site, and submitted her wish to the local Bishop. When the Bishop hesitated, and requested her for a sign, the Mother of God obeyed without delay or question to the Church's local Bishop, and sent her native messenger to the top of the hill in mid-December to gather an assortment of roses for the Bishop. After complying to the Bishop's request for a sign, She also left for us an image of herself imprinted miraculously on the native's tilma, a poor quality cactus-cloth, which should have deteriorated in 20 years but shows no sign of decay 476 years later and still defies all scientific explanations of its origin. Our Lady of Guadalupe holds a special place in the religious life of Mexico and is one of the most popular religious devotions. |
The Passion of Christ, from the Latin patior meaning "suffer," refers to those sufferings our Lord endured for our redemption from the agony in the garden until His death on Calvary. We must remember what our Lord endured for our salvation. He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sin on the altar of the cross and washed away our sins with His blood. |
The CHI-RHO face mask (SOLD OUT)
One of the most common symbols in Christian art is the Chi-Rho. It is created by superimposing the first two letters (XP) of the Greek word for Christ, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ. The monogram, also called a “christogram,” primarily represents Jesus Christ, but is also considered to be a common representation of the crucifixion scene. The Greek letters Alpha (A) and Omega (lower case ώ or upper case Ω) are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Jesus refers to Himself: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (Revelation 22:13). |
Traditionally, the four Gospel writers have been represented by the following symbols. St Matthew: Winged Man, Incarnation To St Matthew was given the creature in human likeness, because he commences his gospel with the human generation of Christ, and because in his writings the human nature of Our Lord is more dwelt upon than the divine. St Mark: Winged Lion, The Resurrection The Lion was the symbol of St Mark, who opens his gospel with the mission of John the Baptist, "the voice of one crying in the wilderness." which reminds one of a lion’s roar, and the prophetical spirit descending to earth reminds one of a “winged message.” The lion also signified royalty, an appropriate symbol for the Son of God. St Luke: Winged Ox, Passion The form of the ox, the beast of sacrifice, fittingly sets forth the sacred office, and also the atonement for sin by blood, on which, in his gospel, he particularly dwells. St John: The Eagle, Ascension The eagle was allotted to St John because, as the eagle soars towards heaven, he soared in spirit upwards to the heaven of heavens to bring back to earth revelation of sublime and awful mysteries as well as the divinity of Christ. |
The HOLY CROSS face mask (SOLD OUT)
This Holy Cross contains on it the images of both Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary. While Jesus, our Lord, has brought salvation to the whole of creation by His work on the cross, Mary too participated in her Son's sacred mission by sharing in His suffering in obedience to God's plan. The child Jesus, who is also the resurrected Christ, sits on Mary's lap. He holds in his hands His Precious Body and the chalice containing His Precious Blood, reminding us that His holy sacrifice has given life to the world. Around his head is a three-spoked halo that speaks of his divine origin. He is dressed in an outer garment of earthen colour, reminding us that He became man, and a white inner garment to remind us of His divinity as well as His resurrection. The Blessed Virgin Mary has Jesus in her arms, because He received His human nature through her and He will always be her beloved Son. As He exercises His office as High Priest for the salvation of the world, Mary lovingly accompanies His sacrifice with her intercessions for the Church and for the world. Mary is dressed in a blue garment that is often associated as a Marian colour. |
The AVE MARIA face mask (SOLD OUT)
The Blessed Virgin Mary, although being a lowly maiden, is highly venerated by Christians since the days of the Apostles. Being the Mother of God, she accompanied her Son from His conception in her womb until He made His journey to the cross. She is also Mother of the Church, and she accompanies us in our journey towards heaven where she intercedes for us. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death! |
The AGNUS DEI face mask (SOLD OUT)
Jesus is called the lamb of God (Agnus Dei) because he is the perfect sacrifice offered to God. Jesus' death on the cross was a passover from death to life for Himself and for all of us. By His blood we are saved from death. Jesus made it possible for us to break out of the slavery of sin and death. He gave us the hope of reaching our promised land, Heaven. The Gospel of John clearly compares Jesus to the Passover lamb by saying that Jesus was crucified the same day that the Passover lambs were being killed in the Temple (John 19:31) |
The Resurrection of Jesus was the most important event in the history of the world. When the Lord appeared in the 'Upper Room' to the apostles pointing out His wounds, it was to demonstrate He was the Crucified Christ, and to show He had resurrected from the dead. The final proof that He was God. He then bestowed on the apostles the power to forgive sins, which was in effect Divine Mercy coming into the world. Divine Mercy is God's love reaching down to meet the needs and overcome the miseries of His creatures. |
This icon invites us to contemplate the Incarnation in the context of the Holy Trinity. It depicts the story where Abraham receives three visitors as he camps by the oak of Mamre. Reading the icon from left to right, we see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We know this from the different clothing of each person of the Trinity. On the left, the Father seems to wear all the colours in a kind of fabric that changes with the light, that seems transparent, that cannot be described or confined in words. In the middle, the Son has the deepest colours; a thick heavy garment of the reddish-brown of earth and a cloak of the blue of heaven. In His person He unites heaven and earth, the two natures are present in Him, and over His right shoulder (the Government shall be upon His shoulder) there is a band of gold shot through the earthly garment, as His divinity suffuses and transfigures His earthly being. On the right, the Holy Spirit has a garment of the clear blue of the sky, wrapped over with a robe of a fragile green. So the Spirit of creation moves in sky and water, breathes in heaven and earth. All living things owe their freshness to His touch. The table represents the altar where the sacrifice of Christ takes place. |
The SAN DAMIANO face mask (SOLD OUT)
The San Damiano cross, one of the most recognisable symbols in Christianity, has its roots in the Franciscan tradition. When St Francis was in his early 20s, he knelt before the Byzantine-style cross hanging in the dilapidated chapel of San Damiano near Assisi, and heard the Crucified Christ say, “Francis, go rebuild My house; as you see, it is all being destroyed.” The San Damiano Cross depicts the Paschal Mystery in one icon: the story of the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. |
The HOLY SPIRIT face mask (SOLD OUT)
The Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit, is depicted by the image of a dove (cf. Matthew 3:16). The Holy Spirit is the love shared between the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit gives life to the Church and dwells within each believer through Baptism and Confirmation. The Holy Spirit prompts us to believe and follow Jesus so that through Jesus, we might be led to God our Father and fully enter into the love shared among the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. |
The ICHTHUS face mask (SOLD OUT)
One of the oldest Christian symbols was the fish. It was used by Christians to identify themselves, often in times of persecution. It is often found in the Roman catacombs, which were the secret meeting places of Christians who were persecuted by the Romans for their faith. It is based on the acrostic, of the initial letters of the Greek words for Jesus Christ. The Greek word for fish is ICHTHUS. This is an acronym for Jesus: Iesous CHristos THeou Uios Soter - this translates as "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour." Christ also referred to his apostles as "Fishers of Men" while the early Christian fathers called the faithful pisculi (fish). |
The Celtic Cross originated during the early Middle Ages. It is said that St Patrick (or St Declan) introduced the Celtic Cross in an attempt to convert pagan kings to Christianity. The circle is symbolic of eternity. This emphasises the eternal everlasting love of God demonstrated through Jesus' sacrifice for our sins on the cross. Another meaning of the circle is the eternal hope of salvation found in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ |
"Pantokrator" is the Greek translation of the Hebrew title El Shaddai, meaning "all powerful” or "Ruler of all". This icon is also called Christ the Teacher as Jesus is holding a book. The hand gesture is exaggerated because Jesus is making the symbol of four letters with the right hand: I, C, and X. These letters spell out Christ's monogram. Specifically, "Jesus Christ" spelled in Greek which is: IHCOYC XPICTOC. The monogram is formed by taking the first and last letters of each name, which is also a symbol of Jesus being Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last |
The THEOTOKOS face mask (SOLD OUT)
From antiquity, Mary has been called "Theotokos", or "God-Bearer" (Mother of God). The word in Greek is "Theotokos". The term was used as part of the popular piety of the early first millennium church. It is used throughout the Eastern Church's Liturgy, both Orthodox and Catholic |
The TAU face mask (SOLD OUT)
The tau (Ezekial 9:4) was a sign of commitment to social transformation for the early Christians, and it was also a reminder of the cross of Jesus Christ. This symbol was very much loved by St Francis of Assisi, and it soon became a symbol specially embraced by the worldwide Franciscans. |
The EUCHARIST 1.0 face mask (SOLD OUT)
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic life. Although many Catholics worldwide have had to deprive themselves of this Great Sacrament during the pandemic, we look forward to the day when we may once again receive this Sacrament regularly. It is, for us, a sign of hope. |
For children between the ages of 6-12, this mask is designed with the coat of arms of the Holy See. The keys refer to the promise of Christ to Peter. They are a symbol of the power the Catholic Church believes that Christ gave to Saint Peter and his successors, with the gold key signifying that the power reaches to heaven and the silver key that it extends to all the faithful on earth, the interlacing indicating the linking between the two aspects of the power, and the handles of the key being at the base to symbolise the power being in the hands of the pope. The tiara is a papal heraldic symbol, where the three crowns represent the pope's powers as priest, ruler and teacher. |