Dear Pilgrims to the Vatican, Italy and Lourdes,
Greetings of peace and joy to you in our Lord Jesus Christ! It has been three weeks since we completed our sacred journey to the Vatican, Italy and Lourdes. I am sure most of you, if not all, will remember this pilgrimage for a long time to come. I am sure many of you found this to be a rather challenging pilgrimage. What continues to amaze me as I reflect on this journey we’ve made together, is how each one of you responded to all our challenging moments with such grace and tenacity. Also, the way you each kept time in the course of our journey with much consideration for other pilgrims was truly commendable. You made it a truly holy pilgrimage, not so much a religious tour for consumeristic tourists. My sincere hope and prayer for you is that this trip has strengthened your faith in God, in the reality of the Eucharist that is truly the Sacred Body and Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in our ever Blessed Mother who is higher than the angels. May you never doubt that the faith of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is true, good, and beautiful. So here we are! In this webpage, are the group photographs we’ve taken, made available to you in high resolution as promised, and also the video footages for you to view and to share generously with all your loved ones and friends. Our journey has not ended. We continue to pray for you each day, for all the intentions that you have submitted throughout the pilgrimage. Do keep in touch with us. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all, now and always. Yours most sincerely, Deacon Sherman Kuek OFS VIDEO FOOTAGE |
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